I fell into my passion for photography at a younger age and used it as a means to document the world around me. I love to tell stories, and fascinated by human expression and interaction, so wedding photojournalism was a natural fit when I turned my passion into my profession in 2006 haven't looked back since. 16 years of photojournalistic experiences are impressive. Hundreds of weddings photographed all around the world. My goal is to create a relaxed atmosphere for my clients so that they can feel comfortable, be in the moment and enjoy themselves on their wedding day.
I'm based in Beijing, CHINA, my specialty is creative documentary photography, weaving moments into my images that are iconic symbols of the day. With a background in photojournalism, I am a storyteller at heart and have been recognized internationally for my work.
Member of WPJA (Top 30 China photographers)、FPJA、FEARLESS、LSPA
Featured on、 Portrait Photography Magazine
80后北京人 毕业于北京理工大学 曾供职于世界500强外企
WPJA(全球婚礼纪实摄影协会 中国排名前30位) FPJA (全球家庭纪实摄影协会)FEARLESS(美国FEARLESS摄影协会)LSPA(全球生活摄影摄影师协会)认证摄影师