Award Winning Beijing Documentary Photographer
"Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you remember." so wrote pianist Oscar Levant, and photos are undoubtedly one of the best carriers of memory. I've been in photography since I was a kid, on a plastic film camera, I was so excited to see the result that I opened the filmback before development, so my first work turned out to be pure blank, it taught me that how important the patience is for photography, the patience for the best mood, the best composition and light, it's the best moment. I photographed my first wedding for my friends way back in 2006, they loved the photos and recommended me to their friends and it snowballed from there, in 2019 I've shot more than 300 weddings, I find the documentary photography fascinating, sometimes frustrating, other times rewarding but always very memorable.
Top 30 Wedding Photographer in China of 2020 - WPJA
Top 100 Lifestyle Photographer of 2019 - LSP
Master Piece Awards - WPJA
Diamond Awards - WPJA
"Lifestyle & Storytelling"
My approach is to feel and document the raw emotion of the day, create a relaxed atmosphere for my clients to live in the moment while also looking for movement in a creative and unobtrusive way when at all possible. My style includes bold and colorful photos that give you a sense of place with a mix of documented moments that will bring you back to the emotion of your day. Heavily photojournalism driven, I believe it is more important to tell your story as it unfolds naturally. Read more about my approach
My Clients Say

Thank you so much for capturing the best day of our lives...We are so grateful to you and your team for your dedication and professionalism. These little gifts are just a small token of appreciation to you for giving us the souvenirs of our wedding that will last a lifetime.


......我最后选择Vincent团队的原因是他的照片除了唯美更加真实,你能从照片中被人物的情绪感动,照片里的人物是鲜活的,是有感染力的。 从婚礼前的交流,彩排,婚礼当天,甚至婚礼后拍花絮,拍写真,我感受到的是Vincent 无比的专业和敬业。婚礼过去快2年了,我仍然会时不时翻出那天的照片,每张照片依然可以带给我诸多的感动和回忆,我想这就是一个好的摄影师的作品的魅力吧。
All of the beautiful moments and the beautiful hiccups he was there to document for us. A true professional with an eye for the shot and an uncanny ability to be right where he needs to be, I couldn’t recommend Vincent more.
Vincent 是一个专业,高效,敏感度高,认真对待项目的摄影师。婚礼当天,Vincent并没有太多的言语,...... 从各个角度,从静态图,到每个人开心,搞怪,享受的每一刻都一一帮我们记录下来 ...... Vincent的包装也是令我惊讶的低调却不失典雅,极具格调......更让我开心到不行是的,他帮我们精选了几组图片,制成质量极高的明信片!...... Vincent的婚礼明信片,正中我对明信片的爱!如果你们在寻找婚礼摄影师,极力推荐Vincent!

Thank you to Vincent and his team for capturing our wedding day so perfectly! It wasn’t an easy job, I know! We gave you very little guidance on what we wanted and what was going to happen during our fun but a chaotic wedding. But you went ahead and improvised when needed and the memories you captured are so real and wonderful! It was everything I had hoped for and more!

I usually don't write reviews on anything but I decided to write a recommendation for Vincent because I wanted to show him my appreciation for his great works.
Not only he took amazing photos, both my fiancee and I were impressed by how much he seemed to enjoy his works and how professional he was ... I guess that is the reason that his photos are genuine and different from other cliche photos.
首次见到Vincent的感觉是好有范儿!装备穿戴十分专业,斯斯文文的一看就是技术流!...... 优秀的摄影师眼中能看到平常人看不出的情景和构图,以及具备丰富的想象力可以预知成像以后的效果。我属于十分排斥套路摆拍以及大影楼照即视感的客户......从作品中能看出摄影师内心细腻,看似不经意地抓拍,构图极其微妙到位。对于细节、眼神、小动作、不经意间情感流露的把握都捕捉得很精准。是在用心拍照的匠人。非常庆幸找到Vincent帮我的婚礼跟拍,能够在人生如此重要的时刻用照片永远留存。